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  Personal Information:                              

                                    Birth date: Feb 14, 1960

                                    Birth place: Isfahan, Iran

                                    Marriage date: 1991

                                    Language: Persian, English                        



      B. Sc. 1987. In Biology, Isfahan University, Iran.

  •   Thesis title: Effect of temprature on seed germination of eight medicinal plants.

        M. Sc. 1998. In Plant science, Tabriz university, Iran.

  •  Thesis title: An introductory study in the systematic and biosystematic of some species of the genus Vicia in Iran.

       Ph.D. 2010. In Plant science, (plant systematic), Isfahan University, Iran.

  •   Thesis title: Study of A genome variability among of Triticum spp. in Iran by using molecular and cytological markers.


  •  Visiting Sabbatical leave as academic guest in Institute of Plant Biology, University of Zurich, Switzerland (February 2008-September 2008).



  •  1990–1998 Assistant Researcher at Isfahan University of Technology, Iran. Working on Plant anatomy, morphology and systematics.
  •  1998 – 2010 Instructor of Botany, Dept. of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.
  •  Since November 2010 Assistant professor of Botany, Dept. of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.



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